

 1. <Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum>

⠀As "Thursday Philosophy Colloquium" for university students has born fruits, we are expecting to gather the same fruits from "Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum" on the social networks, which are open to every one in the community. Lectures on various subjects such as literature, history, environ-ment, education, ecology, and art, along with philosophy have been offered at the "Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum." According to the subjects experts on each field have been invited to deliver an hour lecture and an hour of question-and-answer session.

 2. <Thursday Philosophy Colloquium>

⠀The university is a place where students are not only pursuing truth and purity of academic studies, but also they can achieve their academic goals. To provide the proper level of lectures or research fellows, graduate school students along with undergraduate students "Thursday Philosophy Colloquium" has offered lectures. These lectures on each subject have been delivered not once but two or three times by different speakers repeatedly so that attendees could expand their knowledge on each lecture.  

 3. <Philosophy and Humanities Class for the juveniles>

⠀"Philosophy and Humanities Class for the juveniles" is to help Juveniles to write essays and build moral characters to become good citizens in the future. They tend to think philosophy is hard to study and a boring subject which they have nothing to do with it. But actually, thinking philosophically is closely related to their daily life and helps them have a direct comprehension of an object and a deeper understanding on their everyday life. The juveniles can improve their way of thinking by reading classic books and practice self-development, which will help them build a solid foundation in life. This "Philosophy and Humanities Class" will help young people strengthen their ability to solve problems in a self-motivated way.

 4. Scholarly Journal - "Thursday Philosophy"

⠀The Journal titled "Thursday Philosophy" is being published. This journal contains articles on philosophy, history, humanities, society, and art and articles on nearby fields. "Thursday Philosophy" is dealing with direct relevant problems which can be read by citizens at any level. Now "Thursday Philosophy" will carry not only professional articles but also relevant issues which can be easily read by citizens and students.



1. <Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum>

⠀As "Thursday Philosophy Colloquium" for university students has born fruits, we are expecting to gather the same fruits from "Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum" on the social networks, which are open to every one in the community. Lectures on various subjects such as literature, history, environ-ment, education, ecology, and art, along with philosophy have been offered at the "Thursday Philosophy Humanities Forum." According to the subjects experts on each field have been invited to deliver an hour lecture and an hour of question-and-answer session.

2. <Thursday Philosophy Colloquium>

⠀The university is a place where students are not only pursuing truth and purity of academic studies, but also they can achieve their academic goals. To provide the proper level of lectures or research fellows, graduate school students along with undergraduate students "Thursday Philosophy Colloquium" has offered lectures. These lectures on each subject have been delivered not once but two or three times by different speakers repeatedly so that attendees could expand their knowledge on each lecture.  

3. <Philosophy and Humanities Class for the juveniles>

⠀"Philosophy and Humanities Class for the juveniles" is to help Juveniles to write essays and build moral characters to become good citizens in the future. They tend to think philosophy is hard to study and a boring subject which they have nothing to do with it. But actually, thinking philosophically is closely related to their daily life and helps them have a direct comprehension of an object and a deeper understanding on their everyday life. The juveniles can improve their way of thinking by reading classic books and practice self-development, which will help them build a solid foundation in life. This "Philosophy and Humanities Class" will help young people strengthen their ability to solve problems in a self-motivated way.

4. Scholarly Journal - "Thursday Philosophy"

⠀The Journal titled "Thursday Philosophy" is being published. This journal contains articles on philosophy, history, humanities, society, and art and articles on nearby fields. "Thursday Philosophy" is dealing with direct relevant problems which can be read by citizens at any level. Now "Thursday Philosophy" will carry not only professional articles but also relevant issues which can be easily read by citizens and students.

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